Legislative Update 3/10/24

Missouri Equity Education Partnership-Action mobilizes those who support diversity, equity, and inclusion for ALL! Please see the calls to action outlined below and join us in bending the arc towards equity ensuring Missouri schools are a safe, welcoming space where folks can learn all things

There will be no update published nor Thursday zoom next week. Our elected leaders are on spring break from 3/18-3/22.

Stay vigilant, hydrate, and be ready!

We have work to do!!


1.  The Senate could codify discrimination! HB 1518 has crossed over to the Senate and could be assigned to a committee soon and make it to the Senate Floor! This bill sanctions discrimination in college organizations.

  • Contact your senator and urge them to vote NO should it be taken up in the Senate.

  • Use this link to share the importance of clubs and organizations in your life.

2.  Accurate history and DEI are on the line! Contact the members of the Senate Sel. Com. Empowering MO Parents and Children and voice opposition against 

  • SB 1203 (Coleman) which has a hearing Tues, 3/12. This bill requires any DEI material for staff development or student instruction be placed online. The MO AG has enforcement and review power. Only in person testimony is accepted for the record, but still make your voice heard!

  • SB 918 (Hoskins) the anti-CRT bill. This could be voted out of committee at any time

3.  Protect Voting Rights in MO! SJR 74 (Coleman) will have a hearing on Tuesday, March 12 at noon. This bill changes the Initiative Petition process. We need to flood the committee with written testimony and let them know direct democracy is vital!


Legislative Update 3/4/24


Legislative Update 2/25/2024